Processor Stages

Cube Processor Stage

This stage allows you to perform lookups of key-value pairs that are stored in a cube, and pass the lookup values to fields. Use Cube Processor when you want to enrich your records, at runtime, with additional data.

To add a Cube Processor stage to your pipeline
  1. With your pipeline in Edit mode, filter out the Stage library, by selecting Processors, to display only the processors stages.
  2. In the stage search box, start to type cube and select the Cube Processor stage from the filtered list. The Cube Processor stage is added to your pipeline.
Fig. 25: The Cube Processor processor configuration.

Fig. 25: The Cube Processor processor configuration.


  • You can select multiple lookup fields. In this case, the keys will match conjunctively.
  • You can select multiple additional columns to enrich data.
  • If you don’t provide a lookup column name, the field name of the existing stream is used.
  • If you don’t provide a destination field, the additional data is stored in a destination field with the same name as the lookup column, provided that it exists.
  • If you select Fill with default values (default option), you can provide a default value in the Default Value field of the Columns to retrieve section. This will apply that value to all non-matching records from the lookup cube.
  • The Generate multiple matches option allows you to select the matching records of a particular key. If you enable the option, all the matching records are added to the stream. Otherwise, only the first matching record is kept.