
The platform is represented in the Link editor similar to a component; however, it provides different actions and events to link with.


  • platform_loaded
    A receiver component is triggered when the platform is loaded.

  • workspace_loaded
    A receiver component is triggered when a workspace is loaded.

  • board_loaded
    A receiver component is triggered when a board is loaded.


  • open_url
    When a specific event in the source component triggers the open_url action, the receiver platform opens a web resource identified by the given URL.


    • Broadcast - if enabled, the event sent through the link triggers the same action on all the different instances the user is logged in.
    • URL - insert the URL of the web resource.
    • Open in new window - if enabled, the web resource opens in a different browser window.

    NOTE: If Open in new window is not enabled, it is recommended that the open_url action not to be triggered from the on_select or the on_click event.

  • request_url
    When a specific event in the source component triggers the request_url action, the receiver platform sends a payload to a REST endpoint, using one of the http methods: GET or POST.


    • Broadcast - if enabled, the event sent through the link triggers the same action on all the different instances the user is logged in.
    • Request Type - select one of the following:
      GET - the request is sent as a http GET.
      POST - the request is sent as a http POST, with the payload in the body.
    • URL - insert the URL to use as the target endpoint address.

    For example, in the case of a POST request, a payload is sent to a REST endpoint from a selection or a multi-selection in the source component. The endpoint is configured in the URL and the payload is a vector with the values of the selected data. If you want to send the values in the 3rd column of a table, use the $3 placeholder as a parameter to specify the selection.

  • go_to_board
    When a specific event in the source component triggers the go_to_board action, the receiver platform opens the given board. The board can also be located on a different workspace.


    • Broadcast - if enabled, the event sent through the link triggers the same action on all the different instances the user is logged in.
    • Workspace - select the workspace containing the board you want to open.
    • Board - select the board you want to open.
    • Open in new window - if enabled, the given board opens in a different browser window.

  • open_tool
    When a specific event in the source component triggers the open_tool action, the receiver platform opens the given component in one of the tools panels.


    • Broadcast - if enabled, the event sent through the link triggers the same action on all the different instances the user is logged in.
    • Component to open - select the component you want to open in a tools panel.
    • Tool bar - select the tools panel to display the given component.

    NOTE: It is recommended that the open_tool action not to be triggered from the on_select or the on_click event.

  • close_tool
    When a specific event in the source component triggers the close_tool action, the receiver platform closes the given tools panel. The source component can be open in the tools panel you want to close or one of the components displayed on the board.


    • Broadcast - if enabled, the event sent through the link triggers the same action on all the different instances the user is logged in.
    • Tool bar - select the tools panel you want to close.

  • open_modal
    When a specific event in the source component triggers the open_modal action, the receiver platform opens the given component in a modal window.


    • Broadcast - if enabled, the event sent through the link triggers the same action on all the different instances the user is logged in.
    • Component to open - select the component you want to open in the modal window.
    • Width (%) - set the width of the modal window.
    • Height (%) - set the height of the modal window.

    NOTE: It is recommended that the open_modal action not to be triggered from the on_select or the on_click event.

  • close_modal
    When a specific event in the component displayed in the modal window triggers the close_modal action, the receiver platform closes the model window.


    • Broadcast - if enabled, the event sent through the link triggers the same action on all the different instances the user is logged in.

  • display_message
    When a specific event in the source component triggers the display_message action, the receiver platform displays a message in the top right corner for a given period.


    • Broadcast - if enabled, the event sent through the link triggers the same action on all the different instances the user is logged in.
    • Message to display - insert the message you want to display.
    • Time before closing (in ms) - set the duration for which the toast is displayed on screen.
    • Type of message - select one of the four types of messages: success, info, warn and error.

  • open_setting
    When a specific event in the source component triggers the open_setting action, the receiver platform opens the given menu setting.


    • Broadcast - if enabled, the event sent through the link triggers the same action on all the different instances the user is logged in.
    • Select setting - select the main menu settings that contains the specific sub-setting you want to open.
    • Select sub-setting - select the specific sub-setting you want to open.