
To create a Card component
  1. From the Component bar, select Card. The card component is automatically added to the board and the component configuration is now enabled in the configuration panel.
  2. From the component configuration, select the Data source you want to use for card visualization. New card properties are now available.
  3. Customize card properties.
  4. (Optional) To visualize or to use the component, click to turn Design mode off.

Customize Card

While using the component configuration, the following options are available:

  • Data source
    The data source assigned to the component.

  • Columns
    The available measures and/or dimensions to populate the card collection.

  • Layout
    The card collection arrangement options.
    • Layout: select the horizontal/vertical display of cards.
    • Rows/Columns: set the number of rows/columns to display the cards.
    • Size options: enable it to set the width and height of a card.
  • Options
    The card collection handling options.
    • Template: select from the drop-down list to set the default/toast card template.
    • Multi selection: enable it so that multiple cards can be selected at once.
    • Mandatory selection: enable it so at least one card is always selected and highlighted.
    • Show count items: enable it to display the total number of cards on the component header bar.
    • Local order by: enable it to allow users to quickly order cards by measures/dimensions using displayed on the component header bar.
  • Pagination
    The card collection paging options.
    • Paging: enable it o display paging navigation controls. Set the Page Size (in rows), which also indicates the total number of cards displayed per page as default. Use the Allowed pages sizes to set options to display in the Items per page dropdown (separated by commas), enabled in User mode.
    • Group by: enable it to use pagination for cards, depending on your backend.
  • Filters
    The card collection filtering options.
    • Local filter: enable it to allow users to filter data, using displayed on the component header bar.
    • Clear filter: select it to clear all filter options.
  • Appearance
    The card collection appearance options.
    • Show currency flags: enable it to display the currency flags when the first dimension you select from Columns is Currency.
    • Show RT diff: enable it to display the difference in the amount (+ or - with the value).
    • Title background: enable it to mark out the cards titles.
    • Color alternating rows: enable it to make card data easier to read.
  • Custom font size
    The card collection font size options.
    • Title: click or until the font size is set according to your needs. Click to turn to default font size.
    • Values and labels: click or until the font size is set according to your needs. Click to turn to default font size.