Bubble Chart

To create a Bubble Chart component
  1. From the Component bar, select Bubble Chart. The bubble chart component is automatically added to the board and the component configuration is now enabled in the configuration panel.
  2. From the component configuration, select the Data source you want to use for bubble chart visualization. New bubble chart properties are now available.
  3. Customize bubble chart properties.
  4. (Optional) To visualize or to use the component, click to turn Design mode off.

Customize Bubble Chart

While using the component configuration, the following options are available:

  • Data source
    The data source assigned to the component.

  • Axis X
    The available dimensions and measures to populate data in the horizontal axis.

  • Axis Y
    The available dimensions and measures to populate data in the vertical axis.

  • Size
    The available measures to plot on the chart in relationship with the data selected for each axis.

  • Color
    The color of the bubbles. Select a dimension or a measure to color the bubbles depending on the items in the measure/dimension.
    • Selecting the same set of data as for Axis X, the bubbles are colored according to their correspondent Axis X item.
    • Selecting the same set of data as for Axis Y, the bubbles are colored according to their correspondent Axis Y item.
    • Selecting the same set of data as for Size, the bubbles are colored according to their size.
    • Selecting a different set of data acts as a forth variable for the bubble chart, the bubbles nesting the data of the forth variable too.
  • Pop-over label
    The label of the bubbles. Selecting a different set of data as a Pop-over label acts as an additional variable. The measure selected as Size is segmented by the given criterion and the bubble nests the data accordingly.

  • Legend
    The legend of the bubble chart.
    • Visible: enable it to display the legend of the bubble chart. By default, the legend displays the measure selected as Size, but it can also display the Color selection or the Highlight selection.
  • Filter
    The chart filtering options.
    • Local filter: enable it to allow users to filter data, using displayed on the component header bar.
    • Clear filter: select it to clear all filter options.
  • Options
    The chart handling options.
    • Rotated: enable it to swap Axis X with Axis Y.
    • Crosshair: enable it to better target a data point.
    • Border: enable it to display the border of the chart.
    • Grid: enable it to display grid lines for the chart.
    • Multi selection: enable it so that multiple bubbles can be selected at once.
    • Mandatory selection: enable it so at least one bubble is always selected.
    • Local order by: enable it to allow users to quickly order data by dimensions using displayed on the component header bar.
  • Highlight
    The values of the bubbles.
    • Activate: enable it to select a threshold criterion.
    • Threshold: select between Zero, Mean and High/Low.
  • Bubble size diameter
    The size of the bubbles.
    • Max: set the maximum diameter in percentage for the biggest bubble on the chart.
      The diameter of the bubble is proportional to the max bubble size * min(height, width).
    • Min: set the minimum diameter in pixels for the smallest bubble on the chart.